Wraparound Care


Breakfast and After School Club


At St. Jude’s we offer very successful and popular wrap around care sessions which is run during term time. 

Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am each morning. Breakfast is served until 8.20 am with a range of activities available for the children to enjoy with their friends. The cost for Breakfast Club is £5 per session.

After School Club runs from the end of the school day and until 5.30pm. Indoor and outdoor activities and a snack are provided. The cost of each session is £10.

The wrap around care is provided by our own staff. 

Booking is made termly in advance.

Statements will be sent out every half term, with a reminder email the week before final payment is due. All accounts must be cleared in full by the Friday before the end of term. If the account is in arrears after this date, the childcare will be removed for the following half term.

Booking forms are available below or from the school office.

Ad hoc bookings are available if numbers allow, these must be paid for on the day of booking.


Please complete a     booking form and either email or hand to the school office.