Meet the Governors 

Welcome to the Governors' section.

Governing Body Meeting Feedback - 2023-2024

Who we are and what we do

Could you be a School Governor?

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Bishop, Foundation Governors are baptised, committed Catholics who are responsible for preserving the religious character of the school in accordance with Church law.  The term of office is for a four year period.

If you would like to find out more about being a foundation governor get in touch with the school [01329-235131] or email

Anyone who is interested in this role will meet the headteacher and chair of governors who will host a Q&A session at a mutually convenient time.

(There is currently one* vacancy for a Foundation Governor)

*as at June 24

Parent Governor

The term of office for a parent governor is four years.  When there is a vacancy, the Governing Body ask for applications from parents of children who attend the school.  If there are several applications for a vacancy then an election is held.  Parents who are interested in becoming a parent governor  can speak to the current governor who will host a Q&A session with the headteacher.

(There are currently no vacancies for Parent Governors)

Local Authority Governor

The term of office for a local authority governor is four years.  When there is a vacancy, the Governing Body ask the local authority to come up with a list of people who have expressed an interest in working as a governor in a local school.  The candidates are invited to  meet the head teacher and the chair of governors who will host a Q&A session at a mutually convenient time.  The LA governor is appointed by the Local Council.

(There are currently no vacancies for a local authority Governor)

Membership of St Jude’s Governing Body

Table of membership 2024/2025

Table of membership 2023/2024

St Jude’s Governing Body consists of twelve governors, appointed for a four year period, as follows:

  • seven foundation governors (Foundation Governors form the majority on the Governing Body)  (appointed by the Bishop of Portsmouth)
  • two parent governors (elected by parents)
  • head teacher (appointed)
  • one staff governor (elected by staff),
  • one Local Authority governor (appointed by Hampshire County Council).

Once appointed, all governors are considered equal, with the exception of the Chair of Governors who retains executive responsibilities.  It is the governing body’s responsibility to ensure that it has sufficient governors to undertake its duties effectively and to maintain the quorum at 50% or above (with foundation governors in the majority) for a full governing body meeting.  All groups and sections of the community will be encouraged to participate in the life of the school by volunteering to become governors.

Foundation Governors - are appointed by the Bishop of Portsmouth, and have a duty to:

  • preserve the religious character of the school
  • sustain and develop the school as a Catholic educating community in accordance with Canon (Church) law and the teaching of the Catholic Church
  • give clear witness, as individuals, and as a team, to the Gospel message and to the Church’s teaching

Foundation Governors also have a specific mandate from the Bishop:

  • that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with his Diocesan policy, based on the Bishops’ Conference Curriculum Directory
  • to represent him on the Governing Body with particular reference to the admission of pupils, employment of all staff and the religious and secular education curriculum, and convey this to the other Governors
  • to consider not only the interests of the school where they are a Foundation Governor, along with its pupils, staff and parents, but to have regard for the interests of other Catholic schools in the vicinity and of Catholic education throughout the Diocese
  • to have regard to the needs of the Catholic community as a whole.

Associate Members 

The Governing Body will consider the appointment of associate members to fill specific skill or capacity shortfalls, and where there are either no vacancies or potential volunteers do not wish to commit to becoming a governor.  Any Associate Member appointed to the St Jude’s Governing Body will be appointed for a period of one year and may be reappointed at the end of their term of office.  There are currently no Associate Members at the St Jude’s


Each Governor is a member of the Full Governing Body (FGB). 

Committees are set up to address staff pay, dismissal and appeal, pupil discipline and admissions.  Membership of these committees is decided on a balance of personal preference, previous experience and skills.

The governing body will review its overall committee structure and membership on a regular basis (at least every other year) to ensure its continuing effectiveness.