Home Learning: Expectations and Guidance

We regard Home Learning as an important aspect in every child's learning journey, and one that we would ask you to facilitate at home by ensuring, where possible, a quiet space for your child to work, and by engaging in the conversational learning that is a component part of Maths Facts and Vocabulary.  When children engage in written home learning - spelling sentences, vocabulary etc, we would ask that the child work as independently as possible.  They are given work that they are able to access, albeit challenging for some.  Please allow your child to struggle.  It is within the struggle that real learning takes place.  If a parent has a concern the home learning books can be used for communication.  

It is appropriate for some home learning to be adapted to meet the needs of individual children.  This will be after consultation with the SENDco and class teacher and shared with the parent via a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). 

Below are the Home Learning expectations for year groups 1 - 6.  However, each year group will have slightly different expectations for the amount of time spent on each subject and the support we ask you to give, so please check this with the class teacher or look at the class webpage. 

It is vital that your child sees that you, their parent, view Home Learning as a valuable consolidation of the learning that has taken place in school.   If a child can see that their parent values education, they will too.  For this reason, there are consequences if a child does not complete their year group's home learning expectations.  The age and stage of the child, and the regularity with which a child does not complete their home learning, will determine the consequence.  Sometimes it might be for a few minutes during break or lunch time, and sometimes it might be until the work is completed.  

We fully understand that there might be days when it has been impossible for your child to complete their home learning due to illness or unexpected family circumstances, and all we ask in this case is that you write in your child's reading log or a home learning book that this was the case.  However, we expect this to be the exception not the rule, and you will be helping to develop your child's resilience by supporting the school in this matter.  

There are also rewards for home learning completed: reading and maths facts certificates and children are entered into a raffle where they have to chance to win a bronze, silver or gold reward. 

Many thanks

Importance of Reading

reading flyer.pub

Home Learning Expectations

Home Learning Nov 2023.pdf