

At St Jude’s we want all members of the school community to become learners that are able to wonder about, and then make sense of, the world around them.

Pupils are aware that the study of science is not complete: it is open to revision and refinement in the light of new evidence and new technology.

We seek to nurture a growth mindset in all where learners can achieve more than they think. At all times, scientific vocabulary is explicitly taught, modelled, and expected so that rich conceptual links are made. All staff are enthusiastic about science, drawing attention to its varied use and application in the world around us and sparking excitement and curiosity in pupils. Misconceptions are used as teaching points and mistakes are celebrated as valuable and necessary points in the learning process.



  • Scientific enquiry is at the centre of each unit of work and skills in working scientifically are taught through the programmes of study rather than discretely (ensures the interplay between disciplinary and substantive knowledge)
  • Safety is paramount and potential hazards are noted on lesson plans
  • Appropriate links with other subjects are made where they are meaningful and supportive, for example: with RSE -animals including humans; Geography -weather and seasonal changes; and DT -Everyday materials (KS1) /Electricity or Forces (KS2)
  • Learning is varied: pupils might work independently, with talk partners, or in groups of differing sizes
  • Concepts are revisited to ensure they are remembered and built upon
  • Where a mathematical skill, procedure or concept is needed, it is taught in maths before being applied in science
  • A range of scientific resources from selected providers are used, including Explorify and PLAN
  • Enrichment opportunities are offered, to include: clubs, trips, visits and speakers; after-school clubs; participations in challenges including at regional and national level; and involvement in British Science Week.
  • Yearly long-term plans follow the National Curriculum for the year group


  • Scientific vocabulary is used accurately in class, both by children and adults, and displayed clearly in the learning environment. Sentence stems are provided when necessary. tier two language is also explicitly taught (e.g. function)
  • Our extensive school grounds are used to support learning, particularly in units on seasonal changes, plants and living things and their habitats
  • Explanations make use of diagrams, models, animations and graphs and lots of examples
  • Learning objectives are clear, and success criteria is shared with children
  • Expectations are high: teacher questioning of all pupils is paramount to reinforce learning; expose misconceptions; and deepen understanding
  • Regular re-cap of previous learning in form of ‘Can you still’ at start of lesson or during morning registration or at other points in the day (repeat, reinforce and revisit)

Assessment and feedback:

  • Teachers assess after every unit of study- in particular noting those who require further opportunity to demonstrate the expected standard
  • Feedback is given verbally where possible, or through marking in books which might include questions posed; specific vocabulary offered; models or labelled diagram; or the suggestion of a strategy to use


Science books and planning are regularly monitored and any questions or issues arising are swiftly dealt with


  • Children are confident in their own abilities and can talk enthusiastically about their learning
  • Children are happy to ‘have a go’ even if the approach is not immediately obvious. They can pose and then seek to answer their own questions
  • Children are aware of the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts
  • Children use accurate scientific vocabulary in a range of contexts which demonstrate their understanding (heard in class and pupil discussions as well as recorded in books)
  • Teacher assessment of pupil attainment is increasingly accurate
  • High standards are achieved, with end of KS at least in-line with national and local data 

Science National Curriculum